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grafika ilustracyjna

A team of researchers from the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics has received funding for the Horizon project.

Jakub Piecuch, Ph.D., Prof. UAK, along with a team including Anna Kozielec, (...)

Profesor Uniwersytetu Kolumbii Brytyjskiej w Vancouver, Jerzy Zawistowski

Ceremony of awarding honorary doctorate to Jerzy Zawistowski, professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver

On June 21, 2024, a ceremony was held in the auditorium of the Congress (...)

Wspólne zdjęcie 3-osobowej delegacji z Wolkite University w Etiopii z Rektorem dr hab. inż. Sylwestrem Taborem prof. URK i Prorektorem ds. Współpracy z Zagranicą prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzejem Sechmanem

Visit of scientists from Ethiopia to UAK

From June 13 to 20, 2024, the UAK Department of Spatial Planning and (...)

grafika ilustracyjna


"Design of fibre rich emulsions with controlled digestibility of lipids (...)

Fulbright Senior Award

Tomasz Szmatoła, PhD, with the Fulbright Senior Award

We are pleased to announce that Tomasz Szmatoła, PhD, from the Center for (...)