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14th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2024


Prof. Andrzej Sechman, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Cooperation, represented the Hugo Kołłątaj University of Agriculture in Cracow at the international conference 14th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2024, which took place in Zagreb (Croatia) on October 24-25, 2024.

The theme of the conference was: “The Future of Agriculture and Forestry in Europe: implications for Life Science Universities”.

The University of Agriculture in Cracow is a member of the ICA network , Association for European Life Science Universities, which includes more than 50 universities from EU and neighboring countries (covering the European Higher Education Area, EHEA).

ICA was founded in 1988 as Interfaculty Committee Agraria, but later changed its name to Association for European Life Science Universities, but retained the acronym ICA.

At this year's ICA Forum, Prof. Andrzej Sechman, within the framework of Session 4, Educational programs in connection to the outcome of the Strategic Dialogue on the EU Future of Agriculture, gave a paper entitled “Educational approaches at the University of Agriculture in Krakow - preparing graduates for the strategic challenges related to the future of agriculture”. “Educational approaches at the University of Agriculture in Krakow - preparing graduates for the strategic challenges related to the future of agriculture”.