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Meeting of students and doctoral students with Prof. Zygmunt Derewenda


Recruitment for the BioLab program under the Polish-American Fulbright Commission.

On October 8, 2024, the URK Faculty of Agriculture and Economics hosted a meeting of students and doctoral students with Prof. Zygmunt Derewenda - the founder of the BioLAB program (under the Polish-American Fulbright Commission).

The meeting was also attended by Prof. Andrzej Sechman - Vice-Rector for Cooperation of the URK. During the meeting, Prof. Z. Derewenda presented the most important assumptions of the BioLAB program, which concerns the possibility for master's and doctoral students to apply for a one-year internship at one of four higher education institutions in the United States. 

The call for applications for the BioLAB 2025-26 Program runs until February 1, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. ET.

BioLAB program - basic information

The BioLAB program provides a one-year research internship in a laboratory located at one of the following four institutions in the United States to male and female master's and doctoral students in the biological, chemical and medical sciences:

·  University of Virginia, Charlottesville
·  University of Chicago, Chicago
·  University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
·  Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City 

During the internship, male and female students conduct independent research in modern laboratories, the results of which are often published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In addition, they actively participate in the life of an American university, attend seminars, guest lectures and learn about American culture. In some cases, they also have the opportunity to use their research results for a master's/doctoral thesis at their home university.

The program is dedicated to both male and female students with Polish citizenship, as well as foreign students who have completed their undergraduate studies at a Polish university.

For more information, please visit the BioLAB Program website: VERSION PL -, VERSION EN -
Links to the BioLAB Program on social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Questions regarding participation in the program can be addressed directly to Ms. Patrycja Donaburska, (BioLAB Program Manager) at