General Information


European Commission experts positively assessed the actions taken by the University of Agriculture in Krakow to implement the HRS4R strategy.

On May 23, 2023, the University of Agriculture in Kraków received HR Excellence in Research. The European Commission awards the HR Excellence in Research logo to institutions that implement the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers - key documents of European policy in increasing the attractiveness of working conditions and career development of researchers.

University of Agriculture in Krakow has been applying for the HR Excellence in Research award since October 2021.

The distinction awarded proves that the University meets high standards related to creating good conditions for scientific and research and development work, conducting transparent recruitment processes and counteracting discrimination.

The fact of having the HR Excellence in Research distinction is also taken into account in grant competitions conducted by the European Commission.



University of Agriculture in Krakow
Al. Mickiewicza 21
12 633 13 36
12 633 62 45
VATIN: 675 000 21 18
REGON: 000001815
© 2023 University of Agriculture in Krakow
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