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dr hab. inż. Sylwester Tabor, prof. URK

dr hab. inż. Sylwester Tabor, prof. URK

Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków
+48 12 633 13 36

Dr. Hab. Sylwester Tabor, prof. UAK graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Power Engineering (ATPE) of the Agricultural University in Krakow in 1989 with the Master degree in Agricultural Engineering. In 1990 he started his career at the University as research and teaching assistant, whereas in 1997, after following the award of the PhD degree in the field of Agricultural Engineering (on the basis of doctoral dissertation on “The assessment of scientific and technical progress in agriculture on the example of selected farms in the southern Poland), he was appointed to the post of an adjunct. In 2007 he was awarded the post-doctoral degree (doctor habilitated of Agricultural Sciences) on the basis of dissertation on “Technical progress versus the effectiveness of living labour substitution with objectified labour in agriculture”. In 2011 he took up a position of the associate professor, since 2019 he is the UAK professor.
In the years 2008-2012 he was the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Production and Power Engineering (formerly ATPE) and in 2012 was elected the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of the University of Agriculture in Krakow and served two terms of office.
He specializes in the economics of agricultural engineering, as well as in the organization and management in agricultural engineering. His scientific and implementation output comprises analysis and optimisation of processes using IT applications, from simple manufacturing and production processes in food economy sector to complex processes of teams and organizations management.
Professor Sylwester Tabor is a co-author of 6 scientific monographs, including 2 positions as a scientific editor. Moreover, he is the author of 23 expertizes performed on commission from enterprises and economic institutions, as well as the author of 6 popular science studies. He was also a manager of the research project granted by the National Centre for Research and Development, participated in the implementation of 7 research projects (in one he was the general contractor) and the supervisor of two completed doctorates. He was the head of postgraduate programme: “Management of technology transfer unit” (2 editions) realized in the framework of “Human Capital” Operational Programme. In the years 2007-2011 he acted as a General Board secretary for Polish Society for Agricultural Engineering and was a member of the General Board of Polish Society for IT Applications in Agriculture, Forest and Food Economy (POL-SITA). Since 2012 he has been a member of Polish Accreditation Committee and an expert at the Śląskie Province Marshal’s office working on the “Strategy for Rural Areas Development in the Śląskie Province until 2030”. He is actively involved in the University of Agriculture international cooperation with foreign universities, including Lviv National Agrarian University in Dublany, the Ukraine, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra and Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia. He has over sixteen years’ practical experience in the University management, starting from budgetary committee a membership, participating in decentralization of the university finances, through the function of the Vice-Rector for Education and Student Affairs responsible for the implementation of two acts on higher education and numerous amendments.