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The principles resulting from the University’s mission should be implemented using a strategy defining the main areas of activity, goals and tools for their implementation.

The University's strategic goals stem from the overarching goal of developing research and teaching potential and its effective use, which requires continuous improvement of the processes and offerings implemented. In particular, the University's resources and offerings are aimed at solving the problems of the broadly defined agribusiness sector and rural areas, which is reflected in the slogan “From nature the best”.

In pursuit of the primary goal, the University, through the adoption and implementation of the HRS-4R URK Strategy, is developing and improves the offer of research cooperation in adjustment to the needs of the dynamically developing economy and society, as well as the didactic offer in adjustment to the current and forecasted changes in the labor market. The University's research and teaching offer also enables it to meet the challenges defined by institutions and organizations working to protect the environment and develop local, national and international communities.

At the University, priority is given to research and development (R&D) activities, understood as creative activities involving scientific research and development work, undertaken in a systematic manner to increase knowledge resources and use these resources to create new applications. In this way, the University fulfills its role as a creator of knowledge and innovation and a provider of excellence.

Given the complexity of its initiatives and the scope of its activities, the University's strategy addresses five perspectives for which success factors and sub-strategies, measures and indicators of success, and risks have been defined. The implementation of the sub-strategies specific to each of the adopted perspectives is the responsibility of the University's strategic management level executives.

ikona svg - pdf Strategy of the University of Agriculture in Krakow for the years 2021–2025 /file PDF, size 352 kB/