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The University of Agriculture in Krakow (URK) is a public higher education institution that conducts specialised research and educational activities covering the agricultural, food, forestry, and environmental protection and management sectors in all aspects of their operation, namely natural, technical, social, and economic ones. The university extends and spreads knowledge, creates innovations that conduce to achieving food security and climate neutrality, and increases the economy's competitiveness based on biological materials and processes that facilitate taking up social and civilisational challenges.

The University of Agriculture is a university with a European range, which constantly improves its processes and is predestined to have a unique impact on the Central Europe region. The University’s potential is exploited in research, implementation, and teaching activities based on cooperation with economic and social entities, as well as state and local government administration units, and constantly developed international collaboration with leading EU and world academic centres.

As its name suggests, the University educates staff for the needs of agriculture and forestry, but also for the entire food economy and the agribusiness sector, paying particular attention to gaining knowledge based on current scientific achievements and acquiring skills based on the use of the latest technical solutions and technologies in the education process, as well as shaping social competences considering the dynamics, changeability, and diversity of civilisational changes. It also enables our graduates to become creative and responsible society members.

In its operations, the University draws on the heritage and centuries-old tradition of the Jagiellonian University, where the teaching of agriculture at the academic level began in 1890. An intellectual model deserving of imitation by our academic community is Hugo Kołłątaj, the patron of the University of Agriculture, who was a collaborator of the National Education Commission, a great reformer of the Krakow Academy, and a precursor of the establishment of the Department of Agriculture.

Following the tradition, the University of Agriculture fulfils its basic tasks of extending knowledge, raising the scientific level of its employees, and educating academic staff and students, with respect for academic values, in the spirit of responsibility for the ideas of humanism, freedom, and tolerance, compliance with ethical standards, and creation of attitudes of openness to people, knowledge, and the world. It is an obligation of current and future generations of the University’s employees, students, and doctoral students to care for the preservation of the memory of scientists and teachers who have contributed to the development of the University of Agriculture.


Address: Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków