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Undergraduate: The undergraduate programme lasts 3.5 years (7 semesters). After completion of this Bachelor programme, the graduate will be awarded the Professional title of inżynier (engineer) with a note that the programme was taught in English.

Find out more information about undergraduate studies



Faculty: Agriculture and Economics
Main field: Agriculture
Speciality: Agriculture
Contact person: dr inż. Anna Ślizowska,
Fees: the candidates are requested to pay enrolment fee of 20 EUR
Tuition fee: Tuition fee: Students from EU and EFTA countries - 0 Euro; other countries 1000 Euro/semester

Our objectives

Faculty of Agriculture and Economics is the oldest one at the University of Agriculture in Krakow. Its educational offer comprises full-time and part-time programmes, in compliance with the European Union standards. The Faculty is fully authorized to grant academic degrees and academic title of agricultural sciences in the field of agronomy.
Agriculture programme offered at the Faculty helps the graduates to acquire a comprehensive knowledge in the field of agriculture and agricultural technologies, including supplementary modules, like horticultural or livestock production or economic module, which improves employment opportunities at the competitive 21st century labour market.

General Information

The undergraduate programme lasts 3.5 years (7 semesters). The syllabus bases on essential and general subjects, such as: botany, chemistry, plant physiology or economics and thematic areas (modules) addressing a variety of issues, including technical, bases of agriculture, agricultural production, horticultural production, livestock production, and agricultural economics module. Each module is composed of lectures, seminars and lab classes. About one third of all courses is optional.

The program provides also an opportunity to learn Polish language and culture.

Classes and lectures start on two dates: 1 October and 15 February.

The minimum number of candidates to start the programme is 10 persons. Small groups will ensure individual working relations between students and teachers. Students' progress is evaluated on the basis of their active participation in and contribution to the programme.
After completion of this Bachelor programme, the graduate will be awarded the Professional title of inżynier (engineer) with a note that the programme was taught in English. The graduates may follow their education in postgraduate (second cycle) programme Agroecology and also in PhD programme.


Food Processing, Safety and Quality

Food Processing, Safety and Quality (7 semesters study)
Faculty: Food Technology
Main field: Food Processing, Safety and Quality
Discipline: Food Technology
Program Director: dr. hab. Aleksandra Duda, prof. URK
Contact: Dean’s Office –

Fees: the candidates are requested to pay enrolment fee of 20 EUR
Tuition fee: 1 500 EUR/ semester
Accommodation in student house 120 EUR per month

Students limit: 15 persons

English B2 level by means of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR or equivalent


The recruitment process is start form June 2022.

General information
Graduates in Food Processing, Safety and Quality have great knowledge and skills in: various processes in food industry, quality safety, and economic science. They are educated to be specialists experienced in food processing, preservation, storage as well as in food quality control. The graduates can therefore occupy engineering positions in enterprises, companies, or institutions engaged in the processing, quality control, or distribution of food. Graduates are skilled to organize and control production, including machinery and equipment selection, and perform economic analyses. They know the principles of the food market and product marketing.

Candidate should have a secondary/high school- exam certificate or equivalent, or the matriculation exam at the basic level in one subject selected from the list (mathematics, chemistry, physics with astronomy, biology, a foreign language).
Applicants should be fluent in English (B2 level by means of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR or equivalent). In case of lack of language certificate an online interview is possible.

Study Courses

Selected mandatory courses: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Information Technology, Mathematics, Chemical Calculations for Food Scientists, Basics of Organization and Management in Food Industry, Principles of Physics, Ergonomics and Occupational Health & Safety, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Biological Basics of Food Organic Chemistry, Graphics for Engineers, Food Law, Regulations and Standards Veterinary Control in Food Safety, Statistics for Food Engineers, Food Packaging Systems, Materials and Machinery, Food Microbiology, Principles of Food Technology, Food Chemistry, Food Processing Engineering, Technology, Quality and Safety of Meat and Meat Products ,Technology, Quality and Safety of Fruit, Vegetables and Mushrooms Products, Sensory Evaluation of Food, Food Allergies and Intolerances Food Safety Management Systems, Technology, Quality and Safety of Milk and Dairy Products, Authenticity and Adulteration of Food, Food Quality Management Systems

Selected optional courses: Supply Chain Management (SCM) System, Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry of Food, Principles of Human Nutrition, Processing and Quality of Carbohydrate Rich Food, Edible Fats Processing, Internship - in food quality control institution, in food processing plants Venison Processing, Food Toxicology, Modern Methods of Instrumental Food Analysis, Natural Plant Products for Food, Starch and Non-starch Polysaccharides and its Derivatives as Functional Ingredients Creating, Wild Plant and Mushrooms. New Food Beyond Tradition, Food Product Development, Methods of Food Preservation, Technologies of Fermentation Industries, Catering Technology and Consumer Service, Selected Topic in Modern Gastronomy and Street Food, Molecular Basics of Genetic Food Manipulations, Process Control in Food Industry, Craft Beer Production - Selected Topics.

Description of the program Food Processing, Safety ad Quality undergraduate studies:

After finishing the study graduate is prepared to implement and supervise, improve processes in processing, as well as food safety and quality management systems in enterprises. He has skills in assessing the quality of food products with the use of sensory analysis methods and modern instrumental analysis methods. He can use computer technology in food quality and safety management. He is prepared to work in engineering positions in food industry enterprises, in plants dealing with the acquisition, storage and distribution of food, quality control and product certification laboratories, control and measurement units. The graduate knows a foreign language and uses a specialist language in the field of study. The graduate also has the habits of constantly improving his qualifications and is prepared to undertake master program.

Overall conditions:


All the teachers involved in the program are researchers and teachers making up a highly qualified staff of the University of Agriculture, each holding at least a PhD degree and fluent in English.