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On April 22, 2021 with Order No. 44/2021 Rector of the University of Agriculture in Krakow established Rector's Commission for the Gender Equality Plan.

The main and pivotal task of the Commission is to develop and implement the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) for the University of Agriculture in Krakow. The purpose of this document is to serve the academic community, so that our University becomes an even more friendly place for all employees and students.

In line with the mission and strategy of our Alma Mater, the University of Agriculture in Krakow is a safe, non-discriminatory institution that respects the principles of equality and diversity. The university is a unit that inspires and supports the entire academic community in professional and personal development.

The development of the GEP has been preceded by a diagnostic part: analyzes, research and consultations carried out at our University to determine the current situation, including the identification of potential problems and institutional barriers, and selection of areas requiring correction. In the implementation phase, training and other activities will be carried out to raise awareness of the importance of equality issues, as well as solutions supporting professional development or facilitating the combination of work and personal life. The next stage will be the monitoring phase, i.e. regular monitoring and evaluation of progress based on the declared indicators, and, if necessary, development of improvement measures. The plan was designed to take into account the needs of the academic community of the University and be tailored to its specificity.

Among the benefits of implementing the GEP and, more broadly, promoting gender equality in research organizations and higher education institutions, the positive impact on:

  • creating a better work and learning environment for ALL,
  • the sense of community,
  • the social dialogue and cooperation,
  • the personal and professional development,
  • attracting and retaining talent,
  • using the potential of diversity,
  • the quality of research and education,
  • the University's competitiveness in the scientific and social environment,
  • the possibility of active participation in grants and projects co-financed from external funds,
  • increasing awareness of gender equality issues.


We believe that implementation of the Gender Equality Plan will have a positive impact on various aspects of the University's functioning, including the comfort of work and study, which is a source of integration of the University's academic community.


Commissioner for Human Rights

Members of Rector’s Committee for the Gender Equality Plan

Members of Rector’s Committee for the Gender Equality Plan

  1. dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Szczęsna, prof. URK (WHiBZ) – Chairperson
  2. prof. dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Filipiak-Florkiewicz – Vice Rector for Science
  3. prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Sechman – Vice Rector for International Cooperation
  4. dr inż. Joanna Dłużniewska (WRE)
  5. dr inż. Łukasz Paluch (WRE)
  6. dr inż. Marta Kempf (WL)
  7. dr hab. inż. Robert Rossa, prof. URK (WL)
  8. dr hab. inż. Jacek Nowicki, prof. URK (WHiBZ)
  9. dr hab. inż. Alina Wiszniewska, prof. URK (WBiO)
  10. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Gajewski (WBiO)
  11. dr inż. Aneta Dacko (WIŚiG)
  12. dr inż. Artur Szwalec (WiŚiG)
  13. mgr inż. Katarzyna Grądecka-Jakubowska (WIPiE)
  14. mgr inż. Maciej Waligóra (WIPiE)
  15. dr Magdalena Witek, prof. URK (WTŻ)
  16. dr inż. Marek Zdaniewicz, prof. URK (WTŻ)
  17. dr hab. Hanna Lutnicka (UCMW)
  18. dr Grzegorz Ramisz (UCMW)
  19. mgr Aleksandra Such (PhD student)
  20. mgr inż. Adam Górski (PhD student)
  21. Julia Świeboda (Student)
  22. Patryk Klima (Student)
  23. mgr Paulina Czuryłowska (BPiR)
  24. dr inż. Maria Walczycka (ZNP)
  25. dr inż. Janina Szewczyk (NSZZ "Solidarność")
  26. mgr inż. Katarzyna Połeć-Kołodziej (ZZPNNA) 



Rector’s Plenipotentiary of Equality

Personal data of plenipotentiary

Joanna Dłużniewska, PhD, BEng - Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equality
address: al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Krakow
room no: 426b
phone: (+48) 12 662 44 00

Correspondence address: 31-120 Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 21

Tasks of the Plenipotentiary

The tasks of the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equality include taking actions for equal treatment and equal opportunities for all members of the University community, in particular:

  1. monitoring the implementation of equality measures specified in the Gender Equality Plan of the University of Agriculture in Krakow,
  2. collecting information on good equality practices and their dissemination,
  3. promoting and disseminating equal treatment and anti-discrimination standards,
  4. informing about equality courses and training,
  5. acting as a consultation and contact point in matters of discrimination,
  6. regularly informing the University community about the progress in the implementation of the equality policy,
  7. providing administrative support in the field of equality issues and collecting documentation of these matters,
  8. cooperation with the Rector's Committee for the Gender Equality Plan.




Gender Equality Plan

The Gender Equality Plan for University of Agriculture in Krakow was introduced by the Rector Sylwester Tabor, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. UAK, and made public in the form of an order No. 9/2022 of February 9, 2022.

Gender Equality Plan (GEP) - the framework action plan for 2022-2024 was created for the entire community of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. It formulates key principles, goals and activities to promote equal opportunities for everyone working, studying or preparing doctoral dissertations at the University. Its main task is to create conditions enabling work and study in a safe environment that ensures respect for diversity, freedom from discrimination, freedom of development, as well as equal treatment and equal opportunities for all members of the academic community.

Within the framework of the GEP, 6 goals were identified, for the implementation of which 27 various activities were planned, which fit into the five most important areas defined by the European Commission as key to achieving gender equality in research and innovation. The objectives of the GEP were formulated on the basis of conclusions drawn during the implementation of diagnostic activities in the areas identified as requiring correction and/or introduction of specific legal and institutional solutions. They are designed to support people working and studying at the University, so that everyone - regardless of gender - has equal and unlimited access to resources enabling professional development and education, and that they can fully use their potential, knowledge, skills and qualifications, for the benefit of himself and the University of Agriculture in Krakow.

During the implementation phase, training and activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of equality issues and the introduction of solutions supporting professional development or facilitating the combination of work and personal life were planned. It was also planned to monitor the implementation of the assumed goals based on the declared indicators, and, if necessary, to develop improvement mechanisms.

The GEP was developed by members of the Rector's Committee for the Gender Equality Plan. The composition of the committee included representatives of all internal stakeholders, with a balance in terms of gender, career stage, function performed, employment/learning unit at the University, thanks to which it provided a broad perspective of views and opinions on equality issues, including those related to gender.


ikona svg - pdf The Gender Equality Plan for University of Agriculture in Krakow /file PDF, size 1 024 kb/



Joanna Dłużniewska, PhD, BEng Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equality

Forms of contact with the Plenipotentiary:
phone: +48 12 662 44 00

in person: al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Krakow, room no: 426b 426b (duty hours: Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.; on other dates - after prior arrangement by phone)