plik svg - godło
wystąpienie dr hab. Jakuba Piecucha na kongresie Ciriec w Kostaryce

CIRIEC International Congress “What Strategies for a Territorial and Human Development?”

Dr. Jakub Piecuch, Prof. URK from the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, (...)

photo of professor Zygmunt Derewenda, Ph. D

Meeting of students with Prof. Zygmunt Derewenda, Ph.D. - founder of BioLAB program

We would like to invite students to a meeting with Prof. Zygmunt Derewenda, (...)

grafika ilustracyjna


"Design of fibre rich emulsions with controlled digestibility of lipids (...)

Fulbright Senior Award

Tomasz Szmatoła, PhD, with the Fulbright Senior Award

We are pleased to announce that Tomasz Szmatoła, PhD, from the Center for (...)