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Visit of scientists from Ethiopia to UAK


From June 13 to 20, 2024, the UAK Department of Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture hosted a three-person delegation from Wolkite University in Ethiopia under Erasmus+ KA171.

From June 13 to 20, 2024, the UAK Department of Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture hosted a three-person delegation from Wolkite University in Ethiopia under Erasmus+ KA171.

The delegation consisted of Dr. Faris Delil YESUF - president of the university, Dr. Abreham Berta ANESEYEE and Mr. Solomon Abirdew YRIGA - employees of the Department of Natural Resources Management.

spotkanie JM Rektora dr hab. inż. Sylwester Tabor, prof. URK z Dr Faris Delil Yesuf prezydent uniwersytetu Wolkite w Etiopii

spotkanie JM Rektora dr hab. inż. Sylwester Tabor, prof. URK z Dr Faris Delil Yesuf prezydent uniwersytetu Wolkite w Etiopii

wspólne zdjęcie przedstawicieli URK i delegacji Wolkite University w Etiopii

During their visit to URK, the guests from Ethiopia met with Rector Dr. Sylwester Tabor Prof. URK and Vice Rector for Foreign Cooperation Prof. Andrzej Sechman, held numerous meetings with the staff of KGPiAK, visited the University Veterinary Polyclinic in Rząska, and on dn. 14.06.2024 they actively participated in the International Scientific Conference entitled Artificial Intelligence and Geodata for Sensibilization of Local Communities for Sustainable Spatial Development summarizing the project “Geosen” from NCBiR (

spotkanie gości z Etiopii z Rektorem dr hab. inż. Sylwestrem Taborem prof. URK i Prorektorem ds. Współpracy z Zagranicą prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzejem Sechmanem

Cooperation between the Department of Spatial Management and Landscape Architecture and Wolkite University has been ongoing since 2019. So far, it has resulted in 5 scientific publications in international journals, including Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Management or Carbon Balance and Management, and the submission of a joint project to Horizon 2020.

delegacja uniwersytetu w Etiopii przed Uniwersytecką Polikliniką Weterynaryjną w Rząsce

In addition, a bilateral cooperation agreement between the two universities was signed in December 2023 thanks to the initiative of Dr. Tomasz Noszczyk, Prof. UaK of KGPiAK.

The strength of the Ethiopian scientists is also evidenced by their experience and large publication record, confirmed by, among other things, publication in the journal Nature – (

Photos: own archive T. Noszczyk