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The 20th edition of the Festival of Science and Art in Krakow is behind us


From May 16 to 18, 2024, the 20th edition of the Festival of Science and Arts in Krakow was held, with the Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum as the main coordinator.


The festive inauguration of the Festival took place on May 16 at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 17 Slawkowska St. The ceremony was attended by Prof. Tomasz Grodzicki, PhD, Vice-Rector for Collegium Medicum, at the invitation of Prof. Sylwester Tabor, Prof. URK - Rector of the University of Agriculture in Cracow, and many distinguished guests.

Festival activities at URK were held at the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, the Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology, the Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture, the Faculty of Food Technology, the Main Library and the URK Soil Museum.

In addition, on Friday, May 17, a debate was held at the Potocki Palace (Rynek Główny 20) from 10:40 to 11:45 a.m., moderated by Katarzyna Petka, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Food Technology (Department of Plant Products Technology and Nutrition Hygiene), Jakub Barbasz, Ph.D., professor of IKiFP PAN, and participants were students and doctoral students of the URK Faculty of Food Technology. The debate was entitled “Nutrition facts and myths - or what is true and what is not necessarily true, in light of the latest scientific research.” 

 XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie

Dr.-Ing. Katarzyna Petka during the debate,
photo by Jacek Okarmus

XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie

Participants in the debate,
photo by Jacek Okarmus

On Saturday, May 18, the stage located on the Main Square in Krakow hosted performances by artistic groups from Krakow universities, which were preceded by the entrance of the authorities of Krakow universities, city authorities, the Program Council and the Organizing Committee to the stage. The performances on stage were also preceded by a simultana (from 10:00 - 11:00), during which the chess master played simultaneously with many opponents representing Krakow universities. Among the participants was - a first-year student of URK's Faculty of Food Technology, majoring in dietetics, Julia Skura.

XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie

Authorities of Kraków's universities, city authorities, members of the Program Council and Organizing Committee,
photo by Jacek Okarmus

Among the many distinguished people present was Dr. Sylwester Tabor, Prof. URK - Rector of the University of Agriculture in Cracow. The following performed on stage: the Student Highlanders Band Skalni, the Choir of the University of Agriculture in Cracow, and the “Hagard” hunting signalers' band.

XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie 

XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie

Skalni during the performance,
photo by Krzysztof Kupiec

XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie

UAK choir during the performance,
photo by Lucyna Brożek

XX edycja Festiwalu Nauki i Sztuki w Krakowie

Hagard on stage,
photo by Agnieszka Szlęzak-Gruszkowska

The slogan of this year's 20th Festival was “Cracow a city of science and art.” The event's patron was Prof. Mieczyslaw Miesowicz, one of the most prominent Polish physicists, who made a huge contribution to the integration of the scientific community of Krakow.

 We hope to see you next year - at the next XXI edition of the Science and Art Festival!