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"Design of fibre rich emulsions with controlled digestibility of lipids for production of healthier foods" - HyberFAT

HyberFAT is a project fellowship, funded by Stanislaw Ulam programme from Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange at value of 336 000 PLN. The project is conducted at Department of Animal Product Processing, Faculty of Food Technology by a researcher dr Mirosław Kasprzak in a period of January 2022 – December 2023.

The aim of the project is to develop the fibre oil-in-water emulsion rich foods without a compromise in sensory perception and with a reduced digestibility of fat in gastrointestinal tract. The emulsion with fibre will have a form of hybrid – a mixture of emulsion with incorporated fibre within the structure of emulsion.

In dietary habits, in order to prevent overconsumption, the energy intake should be in balance with energy expenditure. However, to avoid unhealthy weight gain, total fat should not exceed 30% of total energy intake. Intake of saturated fats should be less than 10% of total energy intake, and intake of trans-fats less than 1% of total energy intake (WHO, Guidelines 2018). It has been confirmed that in order to further reduce the risk of disease development, the limit saturated fats should be less than 7% of adults' total daily calories (Hooper et al. 2015). In this project, the mechanism will be built to prevent the absorption of fat to human body from the dietary food structure with encapsulated fat in a way to deliver all sensory property of the food in the course of food oral processing.

Project has three specific objectives:

  • to design the hybrid ingredients composed of fibre rich emulsion
  • to determine the in vitro digestion profiles of lipids in hybrid ingredients
  • to incorporate the novel hybrid ingredients to relevant food products

We are open to new researchers and food businesses to have a chat about

  • reduction of fat in food products
    targeted delivery of bioactive components in the gastrointestinal tract

Contact person: Mirosław Kasprzak, email: 


 Projektowanie emulsji bogatych w błonnik z kontrolowanym profilem trawiennym lipidów do produkcji zdrowej żywności

Figure 1. Application of capsulated rapeseed oil for the milk fat replacement in natural yogurts.


 Projektowanie emulsji bogatych w błonnik z kontrolowanym profilem trawiennym lipidów do produkcji zdrowej żywności

Figure 2. Application of capsulated olive oil for the animal fat replacement in the liver pâté production.


The fellowship has been supported by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, the Ulam Programme - Seal of Excellence (BPN/SEL/2021/1/00002) for project completion of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme.